A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove


Utility functions for manipulating binary numbers.

ETL_CONSTEXPR   = constexpr for C++11 or above
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 = constexpr for C++14  or above


Rotate the bits in the value left or right.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T rotate_left(T value)

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T rotate_left(T value, size_t distance)

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T rotate_right(T value)

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T rotate_right(T value, size_t distance)

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T rotate(T value, typename etl::make_signed<size_t>::type distance)

Reverse bits

Reverse the order of the bits in a value.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T reverse_bits(T value)

The structures below define a member constant value that is Value reversed in bits.
template <int8_t Value>
struct reverse_bits_const<int8_t, Value>

template <uint8_t Value>
struct reverse_bits_const<uint8_t, Value>

template <int16_t Value>
struct reverse_bits_const<int16_t, Value>

template <uint16_t Value>
struct reverse_bits_const<uint16_t, Value>

template <int32_t Value>
struct reverse_bits_const<int32_t, Value>

template <uint32_t Value>
struct reverse_bits_const<uint32_t, Value>

template <int64_t Value>
struct reverse_bits_const<int64_t, Value>

template <uint64_t Value>
struct reverse_bits_const<uint64_t, Value>

Defines value  The reversed bits.

Reverse bytes

Reverse the order of the bytes in a value.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR T reverse_bytes(T value)

Gray to binary

Converts a gray code value to binary.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T gray_to_binary(T value)

Binary to gray

Converts a binary value to the gray code equivalent.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR T binary_to_gray(T value)

Count bits

Counts the number of set bits in a value.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T count_bits(T value)


Returns 1 if the parity of the value is odd, 0 if it is even.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T parity(T value)

Max value for N bits

Returns maximum unsigned value a particular number of bits can represent.

template <size_t NBits>
struct max_value_for_nbits

value_type The type for the value.
value      The maximum value.

Fold bits

Fold a binary number down to a set number of bits using XOR.

template <typename TReturn, size_t NBits, typename TValue>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TReturn fold_bits(TValue value)


0xE8C9AACCBC3D9A8F folded down to 20 bits = 0x998E8

uint32_t result = etl::fold_bits<uint32_t, 20>(0xE8C9AACCBC3D9A8F);

Sign extend

Sign extends a binary number.
template <typename TReturn, const size_t NBits, typename TValue>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TReturn sign_extend(TValue value)

Converts an N bit binary number, where bit N-1 is the sign bit, to a signed integral type.

template <typename TReturn, const size_t NBits, const size_t Shift, typename TValue>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TReturn sign_extend(TValue value)

Converts an N bit binary number, where bit N-1 is the sign bit, and SHIFT is the right shift amount, to a signed integral

template <typename TReturn, typename TValue>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TReturn sign_extend(TValue value, size_t nbits)

Converts an N bit binary number, where bit N-1 is the sign bit, to a signed integral type.

template <typename TReturn, typename TValue>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TReturn sign_extend(TValue value, size_t nbits, size_t shift)

Converts an N bit binary number, where bit N-1 is the sign bit, and shift is the right shift amount, to a signed integral

Count leading zeros

Counts the number of leading zeros in a binary number

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T count_leading_zeros(T value)

Count trailing zeros

Counts the number of trailing zeros in a binary number

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T count_trailing_zeros(T value)

Count leading ones

Counts the number of leading ones in a binary number

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T count_leading_ones(T value)

Count trailing ones

Counts the number of trailing ones in a binary number

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T count_trailing_ones(T value)

First set position

Finds the index of the first set bit from lsb.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 uint_least8_t first_set_bit_position(T value)

First clear position

Finds the index of the first clear bit from lsb.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 uint_least8_t first_clear_bit_position(T value)

First position of bit in the specified state

Finds the index of the first bit in the specified state, from lsb.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 uint_least8_t first_bit_position(bool state, T value)

Fill a binary value with a pattern

Fills a value of the specified width with a repeating binary pattern.

Run time

template <typename TResult, typename TValue>
ETL_CONSTEXPR TResult binary_fill(TValue value)

Generate 0x12121212

Partial compile time

template <typename TResult, typename TValue, TValue N>
ETL_CONSTEXPR TResult binary_fill(TValue value)

Generate 0x12121212
etl::binary_fill<uint32_t, uint8_t, 0x12>();

Check a binary value for a zero byte

Checks to see if a value contains a byte of value zero.

Run time

template <typename TValue>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool has_zero_byte(const TValue value)

etl::has_zero_byte(uint32_t(0x01234567)) == false
etl::has_zero_byte(uint32_t(0x01230067)) == true

Check a binary value for a particular value byte

Checks to see if a value contains a byte of a particular value.

Run time

template <typename TValue>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool has_byte_n(TValue value, uint8_t n)

etl::has_byte_n(uint32_t(0x01234567), 0x12) == false
etl::has_byte_n(uint32_t(0x01234567), 0x45) == true

Partial compile time

template <typename TValue, TValue N>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool has_byte_n(TValue value)

etl::has_byte_n<0x12>(uint32_t(0x01234567)) == false
etl::has_byte_n<0x45>(uint32_t(0x01234567)) == true

Merge two values

Merges two binary values according to a mask.
Bits set in the mask select bits in the first value, clear bits select those in the second.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR T binary_merge(T first, T second, T mask)

uint8_t first  = 0x12;
uint8_t second = 0x34;

const uint8_t mask = 0xF0;

etl::binary_merge(first, second, mask) Equals 0x14
template <typename T, T Mask>
ETL_CONSTEXPR T binary_merge(T first, T second)

uint8_t first  = 0x12;
uint8_t second = 0x34;

const uint8_t mask = 0xF0;

etl::binary_merge<uint8_t, mask>(first, second) Equals 0x14

Interleave two values

Interleaves two values such that bits abcd and efgh will result in eafbgchd.

ETL_CONSTEXPR14 uint16_t binary_interleave(uint8_t  first, uint8_t  second);
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 int16_t  binary_interleave(int8_t   first, int8_t   second);
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 uint32_t binary_interleave(uint16_t first, uint16_t second);
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 int32_t  binary_interleave(int16_t  first, int16_t  second);
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 uint64_t binary_interleave(uint32_t first, uint32_t second);
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 int64_t  binary_interleave(int32_t  first, int32_t  second);

Odd / Even

Determines the odd or evenness of a value.

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR bool is_odd(T value)

template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR bool is_even(template <typename T> value);


enum binary_constant

An enumeration of 256 constants from b00000000 to b11111111 (0 to 255)

enum bit_constant

An enumeration of 32 constants from b0 to b31 (1 to 4294967296)

template <size_t Position>
struct bit

value_type The type of the value.
value      The value of the bit at POSITION.

Creating bit masks

These classes and constexpr functions help create lsb and msb masks.

template <typename T, size_t NBits>
class lsb_mask;
Defines the member constant value as a binary value of NBits '1' shift to the LSB.
e.g. lsb_mask<int8_t, 3>::value == 0b00000111
template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR T make_lsb_mask(size_t nbits)
Returns a binary value of nbits '1' shift to the LSB.
e.g. make_lsb_mask<int8_t>(3) == 0b00000111
template <typename T, size_t NBits>
ETL_CONSTEXPR T make_lsb_mask()
Returns a binary value of nbits '1' shift to the LSB.
e.g. make_lsb_mask<int8_t, 3>() == 0b00000111
template <typename T, size_t NBits>
class msb_mask;
Returns a binary value of nbits '1' shift to the MSB.
msb_mask<int8_t, 3>::value == 0b11100000
template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTEXPR T make_msb_mask(size_t nbits)
Defines the member constant value as a binary value of NBits '1' shift to the MSB.
e.g. make_msb_mask<int8_t>(3) == 0b11100000
template <typename T, size_t NBits>
ETL_CONSTEXPR T make_msb_mask()
Defines the member constant value as a binary value of NBits '1' shift to the MSB.
e.g. make_msb_mask<int8_t, 3>() == 0b11100000


Bit manipulation functors

These functors are most useful where lambdas are not available.


template <typename T>
struct binary_not : public etl::unary_function<T, T>;
Default constructor.
T operator(T value)
Returns ~value.


template <typename T>
struct binary_and : public etl::unary_function<T, T>;
binary_and(T and_value)
Uses and_value as the second parameter in operator().
T operator(T value)
Returns value & and_value.


template <typename T>
struct binary_or : public etl::unary_function<T, T>;
binary_and(T or_value)
Uses or_value as the second parameter in operator().
T operator(T value)
Returns value | or_value.


template <typename T>
struct binary_xor : public etl::unary_function<T, T>;
binary_xor(T xor_value)
Uses xor_value as the second parameter in operator().
T operator(T value)
Returns value ^ xor_value.
